Second round Ebix 1. Tell me about yourself 2. About your project 3. What is Trigger? 4. can we commit trigger? Write program for trigger 5. How many types of index? Where you have used index in your project 6. composit index? Where you have used in project? 7. Having two table employees table with Eid, name, salary, dip and second table department with did, dname A. Write query for create table based on theirs relationship? B. Write query to find duplicate? C. Write query for department wise max salary 8. What is collection? Methods? Bulk collect n forall? 9. Write program for collection using nested table? 8 how you have used exception handling in your project? 9. What you will do when Query is running continuesly? 10. have you used hints in your project? 11. What is GTT? Where you have used gtt in your project? 12. What is mview? Where you have used gtt in your project? 13. What is view? 14. What is sequence? How you will change sequence? Write query 15. What is external table? Have you used in your project? 16.what is dual? 17. Procedure ? Function? 18. Refcursor? 19. Cursor types? Difference between implicit cursor & explicit cursor? 20. In procedure we r calling function and in function doing dml operations in t1 table? & I have created trigger on t1 table? Can i see the data in another session or in this session only?